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November 22, 2016
Digital Branding Best Practises in Ireland

Almost everyone knows what I mean when I say digital branding. If I were to ask, what is your favourite brand of soda? Chances are, I would get one of two answers. It is very clear that branding works and it has a huge impact on the long-term success of a business. Unfortunately, many small and medium size businesses still have not made an effort to learn about digital branding and branding best practises in Ireland. 

If you own or manage a business and have not included digital branding in your marketing and overall business plan, you are at a significant disadvantage. In the past, branding was considered a strategy to gain name recognition that only large corporations with giant budgets could afford to implement. 

Are You Paying Attention to What is Happening?

However, with the growing influence of the online business environment and powerful, cost effective tools available, the benefits of digital branding are within reach for businesses of every size. A medium size business that chooses to ignore the importance of digital branding may find they are simply unable to compete in the marketplace within five years.

Why? Because the small start-up company that is your competitor and actively implementing digital branding best practises in Ireland, will start to capture your share of the market at an increasing rate.

How? Implementing a digital branding and marketing strategy will provide your competitor with name recognition, an established brand, daily exposure to local and non-local markets and a direct line of communication with your customers in a matter of months. Furthermore, they will most likely spend a lot less money to accomplish than a business using traditional marketing methods.

Do Potential Customers Recognise Your Name and Logo?

If you want to be in business for the long term and increase your influence in the market, potential customers should easily recognise your business name and logo. Even if the business name and logo is something that you have had for quite a long time, they may not represent a recognisable brand that people remember. 

Having a name and high quality logo that people can immediately identify, know who you are and what you do, is a vital component for branding best practices in Ireland. There have been many successful companies that changed their business name to make it more attractive or because there was a change within the company. However, it is more common for a company to change their logo to fit their branding strategy. 

Think back to the soda reference that was made earlier, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have changed their styling over the years. They have kept a similar and recognisable theme, but they have modernised and altered their look. The key point here is, potential customers should know exactly who you are with just a glance at your logo. This type of brand recognition translates directly into long-term repeat clientele, which means long-term stability for your business.

Is Your Website Responsive?

responsive website design simply means the site is designed so it can automatically scale and adjust to different screen sizes. This means that potential customers can visit your website on their laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone and get the same viewing experience and functionality. Your website must provide a consistent user experience on all types of devices in order to be effective. If your site does not work or display properly then the visitor automatically has a bad impression and assumes that the business is not on top of its game.

Branding Best Practises in Ireland

Your name, logo and a responsive website are just a few of the starting points when it comes to digital branding, it is indeed a large subject. In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, taking advantage of the online tools available to all businesses and solidifying your share of the market is something you cannot afford to pass up. It may very well be the difference in thriving, or not surviving in a few years. If you are not sure where to start then reach out to a reputable digital branding firm that can help you with the process of getting started. 

Article written by Paul Mc Cann Founder and President of CDG. You can find Paul on Google+


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