Eir Spider Awards 2016 Nominations

Eir Spider Awards 2016 Nominations We are thrilled to announce that two of our client projects have been nominated for the prestigious Eir Spider Awards 2016, a recognition of excellence in digital innovation and online presence. At CDG, we take immense pride in our commitment to delivering cutting-edge digital solutions that help businesses and […]
Digital Branding Best Practises in Ireland

Almost everyone knows what I mean when I say digital branding. If I were to ask, what is your favourite brand of soda? Chances are, I would get one of two answers. It is very clear that branding works and it has a huge impact on the long-term success of a business. Unfortunately, many […]
SEO vs PPC: Which Provides the Best ROI for Brand Awareness?

Where to start when building your Brand Awareness? What would be more beneficial to your business: SEO or PPC? What is the difference between them? And, finally, what will give you the highest ROI?Keep reading! This article will answer all your questions! You have your business running and everything seems to be pretty good, however, at some […]
Encapsulating Your Brand Through Storytelling

Branding goes much deeper than pantone colours and typography, it is the emotional connection people have with a brand. Cue story-telling, this seems like a relatively new concept, but it has been around for centuries. Stories have captivated us since childhood, providing us with a sense of adventure, mystery and demonstrating lessons learned through journeys. […]
What Does Your Logo Say About Your Company?

The Entrepreneur.com defines logo as: “A recognizable graphic design element, often including a name, symbol or trademark, representing an organization or product” A logo should be original and unique Designing a logo may look like a simple and straightforward operation. This is normally far from true; a lot of work actually goes into designing a logo as it gives […]
How Mobile Friendly Is Your Website?

IS YOUR WEBSITE MOBILE FRIENDLY?…DO YOU PASS THE GOOGLE RESPONSIVE-WEBSITE TEST? On April 21st Google has updated its search algorithm to reflect the increased amount of online traffic coming from mobile devices, so make sure your website is mobile-friendly or you will lose your ranking for mobile searches. Google search algorithm update will detect any non-responsive website and […]