Driven Goals
August 15, 2015
Why Branding matters?

What is your most valuable asset in Business? Is your staff, clients? Your office? Can you answer that question honestly?

Whatever you say, we will explain you why the only correct answer is – your Brand.

It’s not about the people who you hire, it’s about their attitude. It’s not about the services you sell, it’s about their quality. It’s not about the font printed on your business card, its about how people feel holding it. It is all about the Brand you are working on every single day. Its about how your customers think of your Business and what people say in return to your goods or services.

Let’s make it clear: Branding is a bundle of different things. It includes everything you could ever think of (business wise): logodesignwebsite, interaction with your potential customers, experience that they get, and much more.

You have to have everything in place to state you are a brand. But how to get there?

Let’s have a look at one of the most successful examples nowadays – Apple. A Huge Brand with sub-brands (iPhone, iPad etc), they all talk for themselves. You cannot say it better: they speak volumes in just a few syllables. The company has developed in no time and heres why: they offer you an exceptional experience. Something very exclusive. You can’t get the same feeling when you hold any other phone in your hands. Apple makes you enjoy spending time at your laptop and when you have to work at any other machine it drives you nuts! Everything about Apple is so easy and promising! You just dont have to think when you first open your new Apple product, it does all the job for you. Dont get me wrong, many people still prefer Windows to iOS and Android phones to iPhones, but you can see that we all are slowly getting Apple-sick.

You can say ‘Well, they have chosen this market, but I am in a completely different niche! So how can I get there?!’

Our answer is: It doesn’t matter which niche your business is operating in! And theres absolutely nothing unachievable! But if you want your Brand or Brand-to-be appear somewhere close to Apple in the nearest future, you’ll have to think about the following:

1. How do you want your business to be perceived by your market?

2. What differentiates your business from many others?

3. What are the strongest sides of your business personality?

4. What are the core values of your business you can refer to?

5. Do you have defined standards of excellence for your business?

6. Does your business stands for something unique and special?

7. What is the Brand Promise to your employees and customers?

When you answer all this questions, your first step to building a strong presence of your Brand is made.

It is very important not to miss out on new-age opportunities, such as: modernised logo, bringing up-to-date all the handling materials, create a really strong website and a web presence. At the moment you are working for your Brand, but if everything is in place, your Brand will be working for you!

We will provide you with a consultation on everything you need to build a Brand.

Contact us today

Article written by Paul Mc Cann Founder and President of CDG.

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