
Since 1869 Weir & Sons have embodied the principle of excellence in everything we do. Even before you enter the famous landmark building on Grafton Street you know that this is something special.

About The Client

Since 1869 Weir & Sons have embodied the principle of excellence in everything we do. Even before you enter the famous landmark building on Grafton Street you know that this is something special. Bright curved windows light up the street and on entering the shop your eyes are dazzled with the displays holding thousands of watches and jewels. This is a jeweller unlike any other. There is an air of excitement. A sense that the act of buying something from Weir & Sons is an occasion in itself. Everything you could possibly want is here, and a lot, lot more. We carry more gold, diamonds and world-renowned brands than any other jeweller in Ireland. We at Weir & Sons, with levels of superior customer service you thought had disappeared forever, have the people to ensure that you make the right choice whatever the occasion.

The Challenge

CDG where tasked with creating awareness for Weir & Sons brand on the digital landscape. We proposed a sequence of steps that can be rolled out in stages. The chosen platforms could be created using HTML5 CSS3 and Magento Cart. Using MailChimp or Get Response for email marketing and SEO Hub for social media population.

The Solution

New Website – Weir & Sons: In our presentation we illustrate the new look and feel of the site thru subtle colours and contemporary feel with emphasis on pictures design and accuracy. It will be responsive in design smartphone and tablet friendly. The site colours will be clean and driven with a white background so more clarity can be given to product promotion. The use of off white, shades of black and tones of red / pink to help differentiate sectors and categorisation. Pint tones will denote sectors like diamonds and jewellery while darker greys will denote other facets like Silver, Baggage, etc. We will put more emphasis on photography creating brilliant product images that will encourage more interactivity. More attention to detail will take place as we look to satisfy the most accurate of customers. If we produce a site that is up to date with great images and good choice we will find people will respect the site more and therefore interact more with it. I believe on the general Weir & Sons site we will not show as many products until we have the best images and descriptions available to us so we keep a very high standard of excellence on the site. The customer can interact with the site and the community around the site.

Step 2
New Brand Development for specific target sector: In our presentation we decided to not alone create a new digital marketing experience for Weir & Sons but to target a specific audience too. So we conducted some research and found a target group age 23-38 that were the most prevalent online and have the disposable income and confidence to buy online too. We found that this group look for the best value with the latest chic trends. This sector are quite independent of direct marketing and they also use the web to research what is trending, what items have good reviews and look for value and reliability. They are very discerning buyers and are not heavily influenced by large marketing promotions. With this in mind CDG decided to help drive interest in Weir & Sons digital brand and create a unique customer experience for this target group.

Step 3
New Website – W–Line: The new brand will need a specific website for their needs. This section can be either be a category within the overall group website or it can be a completely separate entity. While we want to keep an association with Weirs (Hence W-Line) we also want to appeal directly to this specific target audience and to do so we need to create unique look and feel. The browser wants to feel they are entering their own unique domain and communicating with like for like. This site section will showcase the blue chip product lines of the most desirable products that fit the criteria of the market selected. The site will evoke a cleaner flavour and use different colour scheme to differentiate itself. We feel the design and User Experience are more in tune with what the target audience expects from such an online experience however the grid pattern and layout will hold true to the corporate website too. We wish to have a cascading product style like Pinterest look and feel so people can scroll down on their mobile devices to see a range of product that has no specific categorisation. We would like to use cookies to capture information from the browser that if they are male or female and age so the product displayed can be in harmony of what we feel they would be interested in. this is will have a categorisation but will be partitioned into Male and Female and have 3 vertical product sectors of Jewellery, Watches and Giftware.

Step 4
Building Brand awareness
Building brand awareness digitally can be complex as there is a huge array of options to get your desired message out there. However we would see Weirs building this awareness over time and through specific channels. These channels would probably be: Website, Social Media (Inc. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+) and Email marketing. The underlying secret to success is to continuously post relevant content rich information that is appealing to your target sector. We know people buy what they want when they want how they want as today they have a choice of channels and options. No longer are they subjected to demand advertising with heavy duty call to actions. They will choose rather than react. With this in mind we have designed a sample email and a sample twitter page to show how the new clean design would work. We would propose a detailed discussion to examine the exact requirements before embarking on a digital plan. This we explained in our previous proposal presented some months ago.
