
Canon has long been a client of CDG’s. We have worked with them in Canada, USA, UK and Ireland delivering their brand.  CDG worked specifically on brand collateral for the Irish market and digital solutions for the other countries.

About The Client

Canon products have been marketed in Ireland since 1978 and 1973 in Canada. Canon’s success has been built on many factors, not least being the talent, drive and dedication of its staff, and its strategy in pursuing growth in the spirit of ‘Kyosei’ the President of Canon Worldwide. Canon’s corporate philosophy of ‘living and working together for the common good’ becomes an integral part of customer satisfaction which they aim to continuously improve throughout the range of products and services.

The Challenge

We have had several projects with Canon but the two main challenges over the last 10 years were to produce a shopping web portal integrated into SAP ERP systems for Canon Canada and the second project in Ireland was to deliver branded literature to help sales teams win more business along with promotional material like desktop Calendars and non-profit merchandise.

Our Solution

Keeping in mind project delivery, it is important to make sure the brand is not interrupted or compromised. CDG delivered a bespoke solution for Canon Canada integrating a web cart into their customers ERP SAP system. This web app allowed Canon’s customers to browse an online catalogue of all their products available and pick the desired product and pay for it within their customers ERP system. An online purchase order and invoice was generated and a paperless transaction was performed. CDG were given the exclusive contract to supply such solutions in Canada with the University of Toronto. To date the system is still alive and performing well for other such suppliers.

Services Provided

  • Design
  • Bespoke Web Development
  • Ecommerce using 3Procure Technologies