Driven Goals
June 2, 2015
Brands Whisperer #3 Ferrari

What’s one of the most famous sports car? What association do you have with ‘red sports car’? What car brand every child knows?

Here we will not talk about the history, which has been written and rewritten so many times. We will tell you what we think of this Brand.

Ferrari: Brands Whisperer by CDG

Ferrari is a legend itself and a completely different story about very specific desires of Enzo (the founder). Why specific? Not each one of us understands and feels the same passion to racing and racing cars. How many Ferraris have you seen on the street? Why a person who never watched Formula 1 still knows what the Brand is about?

Have you ever asked yourself a question what can make your business grow? Enzo hasn’t thought about it. His secret was his passion and devotion. Once he visited his first races at the age of 10 he understood what his life would be about, he never doubted that. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and as we see nowadays, all his work was worth each spent second on it. He started it as a hobby, which developed into something very big and well-known all over the world.

So what makes it so exciting? We would say it’s a feeling of freedom that the Brand gives. Amazing extreme feeling as even when you hear the engine in the car working, you get the excitement which stays there and even doubles and triples when you come closer to it. The use of red in the brand offers the emotional feelings of success and excitement. Most Ferrari cars are red and even a colour red is named after the brand “Ferrari Red” this brand marque has become a symbol of success to many yet its underling design thinking was to create breath taking excitement for car enthusiasts.

Enzo never wanted to make road cars and everything he and his team created was unique. The quality of racing cars and experience drivers got brought the most success to the Brand, as much as the results in racing which Enzo can be well praised for. He was a genius in what he chose to be his life. He and his team thought of each single details inside and outside the car. Now to have a Ferrari – is a unique privilege not everybody can be proud of. It has become a Love Marque along with only a handful of similar successful Love Marques, Apple, Rolex, GUCCI etc.

If you look at all the cars that’s ever been produced by Ferrari you will see that each one of them is different but still, even if to close the Pranking Horse from your eye, you would never mix it up with any other Brand. It’s about passion, the owners and managers are passionate about what they do. It’s about their devotion to the Brand. It’s about customer care and unique style of Ferrari. It’s about the amazing history and the goals that the Brand creators achieve.

We are sure, if in the collection of your life stories you have an experience of owning, driving or even sitting inside of one of the Ferrari cars – you will tell your grandchildren about it with a sparkle in your eyes, because it’s not only something to be proud of – it’s much more than that: you touched great history and that was definitely worthwhile.

CDG can take your passion and pride of joy “Your Business” to new heights and who knows so as some day it might sit in the hall of fame alongside Enzo’s Ferrari. Check out some of the brands we currently work with at

Article written by Paul Mc Cann Founder and President of CDG. You can find Paul on Google+

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